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When you want to achieve lasting weight loss, without having to diet ever again.

When you're longing for a healthy and comfortable relationship with food and your body.

When you'd like to enjoy all the things you love to eat and drink, while finding your own ideal body.

How can I get rid of my bad conscience?

Why do I find myself binge eating?

Why do I feel the need to starve myself?

Why do I eat too much and bad food, even though I know it makes me feel bad?

I´m sick of dieting!

Do I have to lose weight first, to receive the "right" guidance from my body?

How can I get this right?

How can I feel better about my body?

How come I don´t lose weight?

I´m so tired of feeling bad about myself and my body!

What if it gets worse!

What if I never get this right! 


I’d love to support you on this transformative journey, when stepping into the place of approaching food and your body in a new, evolved and aligned way. With a new perspective, self reflection and awareness, you'll grow your confidence and gain control over your wellbeing, and finally you'll free yourself from thoughts and beliefs that create guilt and low self esteem. 

So that you can eat whatever you'd like and move towards your ideal weight at the same time.

This is not too good to be true!

Whether its about the way you feel about your body or the way you feel about food, the path to change is the same.

By changing your thought pattern and turn those old beliefs that are to your disadvantage, into new ones, you can also expect completely different results.

Online Course, eat and enjoy, lose weight, dreamcatcher
Stor kaffekopp med kaffe i, stående på assiette formad som ett hjärta. Båda med kärleksfulla, positiva och goda ord. I koppen står det också Gofika och på assietten, framför koppen, ligger det två chokladtryfflar inslagna i brunt skimrande papper.


"Listen to your inner voice

Eat & Enjoy

Find your ideal body"

Would you like to find your ideal weight once and for all?

Would you like to free yourself from low self esteem, guilt and the never ending struggle?

Would you rather feel comfortable, free and satisfied, while also being able to eat everything you'd like?

This course will take you through the process of changing your approach to food and to your body. 

Learn how to listen to, trust and follow your own, inner guidance.

By taking it step by step, you can reach the place where you too can eat all the things you like, and find your ideal body at the same time.

The course addresses your relationship with food, with your body and exercise. (Not even exercise is necessary in this equation!)

It includes hands on tools, to let go of old beliefs that no longer serve you, and how to shift or change a specific thought.

The course extends over three weeks, but you can adjust it accordingly to your own comfortable pace. Since it’s an online course, you can start whenever you'd like.

This provides the opportunity to leave the struggle, the overwhelming thoughts, the draining energy and the guilt behind, and feel yourself moving from upstream to downstream, when you easily and comfortably follow your new path to your ideal body.

Soon available in English!

"Dear Frida"

"What you're writing in the online course is the truth. I can relate to every single piece and it brings a really good feeling when someone puts words to what you've been thinking for a long time.

I´m so happy this course came my way. I can feel all of me changing.

I eat whatever I want, and I'm trying to learn when I'm hungry and what will do good for my body.

I haven't weighed myself and honestly I'm not that interested in hearing what the scale has to say. Its such an incredible liberation in not judging anything I choose to put in my mouth.

Once again, thank you so much for this amazing course!"




During this FREE breakthrough call we will take a look at your reality as it appears today, what’s working well and which areas you’d like to improve. 


We will talk about your goals and which challenges might stand in your way.


This is to discover what’s been holding you back and gain clarity around how to move forward in a new and aligned way.


There will be no hard selling!


I feel so good!👏

Things have become really good since we spoke. 😊 I'm trying to always be kind to myself even the times when I feel I've eaten too much. 😉

​I'm reading all your nice posts and take it all in and I practice following the energies and what my body is telling me. 😍

I eat the things I desire, that includes pizza. I´ve followed different diets all my life 😦 now I've completely let go of that.

I've gone from a size 42 to a size 36 and I'm so satisfied with my new approach to my body.

Have much more energy.

Your posts are amazing. 💖
Many thanks beautiful Frida" 💖

Apply for a “Mindful Call” by filling in the form. I will send you the link with my availability for the upcoming week.



This is a transformative journey, from the inside and out.

This is for you who know deep down, that there has to be another way to go about this.

The dieting path is not for you, feeling restricted and unable to choose what you want is not an option any longer and the longing to figure this out is poking a bit too much, to dismiss anymore


This journey is about discovering the essence of who you truly are, embracing all of you and start working with yourself, rather than against yourself.


It’s about creating space for You, giving yourself permission to be who you truly are and step into the aligned and fullest version of you. 


We work side by side, 1:1, every week for 12 weeks. 

You: Personality, Values, How you act and react in certain situations, Strengths.

Teachings: Beliefs, filters, LoA, habits. (These are the reasons why we Do act in certain ways).

Your challenges: Specific areas to work on; social situations, intimacy with partner, around holidays, day to day life, not enough time, stressful eating, bad/unwanted habits, feeling restricted, feeling guilt, unworthiness, fear of gaining more weight, fear of never figuring this out etc.

Goals/vision: What is your goal, long term, short term and step by step action plans.

Strategies: Journaling, meditation, visualization, thought patterns, recoding beliefs, dealing with and releasing emotions in a comfortable, relaxed and evolving way.

I’ll be here to support you all the way! 

By creating space and time, and allowing yourself to easily and comfortably implement this new way of approaching life, yourself, your body and food, it will become a part of you, it will be your new normal and it will manifest as your personally desired reality!

Are you ready to step into this new version of You?

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